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Emily Bett Rickards; Arrow

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Ever since the 2018 Arrowverse crossover threw us a major hint thatJohn Diggle’s (David Ramsey) Earth 90 counterpart on Arrow was the Green Lantern (aka John Stewart), it’s been hard not to wonder whether we’ll ever see Diggle put on that special ring.

Speaking to TV Guide about his upcoming directorial debut on Arrow, David Ramsey admitted that fans aren’t the only ones jazzed about the possibility of Diggle suiting up as the Green Lantern.

“We’ve been talking about that ring since Season 1,” Ramsey said. “I always loved the idea of being able to jump into the John Stewart mythos, obviously, but I also loved the idea that we were creating something that didn’t exist before. John Diggle never existed before. We created this character, Spartan, that never existed in the comics or in any other universe, and now it’s part of the comics. So that was always something and continues to be something I’m really proud of. But who can resist playing the Green Lantern? So yeah, was I excited when I saw that? Without a doubt. Will it ever happen? Who knows. I don’t have the answer to that — it’s way above my paygrade — but it’s something would love to do.”

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There’s also the chance that Diggle will put on the ring for a standalone crossover episode (those episodes are always where the impossible is made possible) and then quietly put it away again when we’re returned to our regularly scheduled Arrow programming. That, truly, would be giving us the best of both worlds.

Whatever happens, Ramsey is happy with the way his character worked out, superpowers or not, largely due to the amazing dynamic between what is commonly known as the “Original Team Arrow.”

“Even without [the Green Lantern], I think that John Diggle, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) work. If John Stewart fits within that realm some type of way or another, great. If not, I couldn’t have picked a better role to have played in my life,” Ramsey said.

Arrow returns Monday, Jan. 21 at 8/7c on The CW.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

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Arrow</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”||” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards, Arrow” width=”2070″>Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards, ArrowPhoto: Dean Buscher, Dean Buscher/The CW

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